sport vegan
Main Features
  • Specifico per il miglioramento delle prestazioni atletiche a lungo delle attività acquatiche apnea e pescasub
  • aumenta l’efficienza energetica della cellula muscolare ma anche del sistema nervoso simpatico
  • A base di aminoacidi ramificati, L-Carnitina, Beta-Alanina, L-Treonina

Vitaminity Aqua Deep Dive Two

Integratore alimentare per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche a sforzo prolungato dell’apnea e della pesca subacquea

In stock
EAN Barcode: 8058150429228

1 bottle with 60 tablets

Deep Dive Two is a nutritional supplement from the Vitaminity Aqua line based on an intelligent combination of substances which can improve long-term performance and increase the energy efficiency of both muscle cells and the sympathetic nervous system.

sport vegan
  • Specifico per il miglioramento delle prestazioni atletiche a lungo delle attività acquatiche apnea e pescasub
  • aumenta l’efficienza energetica della cellula muscolare ma anche del sistema nervoso simpatico
  • A base di aminoacidi ramificati, L-Carnitina, Beta-Alanina, L-Treonina

1 bottle with 60 tablets

Deep Dive Two is a nutritional supplement from the Vitaminity Aqua line based on an intelligent combination of substances which can improve long-term performance and increase the energy efficiency of both muscle cells and the sympathetic nervous system.

Deep Dive Two is a food supplement from the Vitaminity Aqua line based on skilfully combined substances to improve long-term performance and increase the energy efficiency of both muscle cells and the sympathetic nervous system.

Free-diving requires remarkable physical and mental control; in addition, especially during long fish hunts or deep diving training sessions, as time goes by, you are exposed to increased risk due to the accumulation of numerous metabolites which make anaerobic metabolism more difficult, and thus free-diving more dangerous.

As Deep Dive Two acts synergistically with Deep Dive One, combined use is recommended for improved performance.

Composition: L-Carnitine, Beta-Alanine, L-Threonine, BCAA Branched-Chain Amino Acids 3:1:1 (Leucine 60%, Isoleucin 20%, Valine 20%), Sorbitol, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Talc, Cutin, Magnesium Stearate.

L-carnitine: this compound is essential for the transport of fatty acids within the mitochondrion, the powerhouse which produces aerobic energy. Prolonged free diving and underwater fishing involve great energy expenditure, especially of sugars, during the descent. Performance can be improved by using this compound because fats can be burned more efficiently during the recovery phase, and during the oxygenation and revascularisation of the muscles after immersion. Muscle glycogen is thus conserved for diving in apnoea. This allows for an improvement in long-term performance.


L-threonine: this essential amino acid is biologically active in its laevorotatory form. It plays a role in helping the immune system to function correctly in that, as some studies have confirmed, it is needed for the formation of a signalling molecule in the gut, MUCIN-2. In addition, it increases IgA levels in the digestive system. Numerous studies have confirmed that the addition of L-threonine to the diet, especially in those who prefer a vegetarian diet or one containing little meat, can improve the intestinal barrier, thus protecting the mucosa from inflammation caused by poor nutrition. Intestinal inflammation also causes allergies and poor absorption of nutrients in the long term. In some cases, it also produces mucus which can then prevent free divers from achieving the correct pressure compensation.


Beta-alanine: this compound is very important as a buffer for intracellular/extracellular acidity and in cases of excess production of glyceraldehyde phosphate due to prolonged anaerobic activity. In fact, the need for energy (ATP) increases considerably during muscle activity. The blood flow tries to compensate for this need by allowing oxygen to produce energy through the oxidation of sugars or fatty acids. However, apnoea involves vasoconstriction in the tissues, with a reduction in the oxygen supply to the muscles and the production of lactic acid during the descent. Beta-alanine would delay the sensation of burning and tiredness and thus improve performance.


BCAA: : branched-chain amino acids. These are able to enter the Krebs cycle as an energy source to produce intracellular ATP, which is useful for muscles when they contract. In addition, because free diving is a sport practised in conditions of altered gravity, some studies have confirmed proteolysis of the muscles similar to that experienced by astronauts, especially during long, repeated training sessions. The use of BCAAs maintains anabolism, which should slow down the process of muscle degradation. Stressful physical exercise can also raise serotonin levels in the central nervous system, giving athletes a generalised feeling of fatigue. Taking BCAAs would inhibit the absorption of tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, through the blood-brain barrier. It would thus be possible to reduce the feeling of fatigue at the level of the central nervous system. A synergistic effect of taking BCAAs is the reduced absorption of the amino acid tyrosine, a precursor of excitatory catecholamines, across the blood-brain barrier. The use of BCAAs in apnoea sports would thus not only provide muscle metabolic energy but would also inhibit the excitation of the central nervous system, thus leading to less energy and oxygen consumption during prolonged underwater activity.

Quantities for maximum recommended daily dose (2 tablets):

L-carnitine  500 mg
Beta-alanine 500 mg
L-threonine 500 mg
BCAA 3:1:1 500 mg

NRV*:Nutrient reference values

The recommended dose is 2 tablets a day, at least 1 hour before any underwater sports activities

Abbiamo creato questo integratore, così come gli altri integratori della linea Aqua per incontrare le esigenze specifiche di atleti professionisti e non che si dedicano alla apnea e alla pesca subacquea. In particolare, Deep Dive Two a base di aminoacidi ramificati contribuisce a migliorare le prestazioni in attività di sforzo prolungato e nel medio-lungo periodo, aumentando l’efficienza energetica delle cellule dei muscoli coinvolti nell’attività subacquea, presupposto indispensabile per una apnea in sicurezza.
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Vitaminity Aqua Deep Dive Two